Management Of Information Security

Look up “the paper that started the study of computer security.” Prepare a summary of the key points. What in this paper specifically addresses security in areas previously unexamined?
  • The wide use of computers in military and defense installations has long necessitated the application of security rules and regulations. A basic principle underlying the security of computer systems has traditionally been that of' isolation-simply removing the entire system to a physical environment in which penetrability is acceptably minimized. The increasing use of systems in which some equipment components, such as user access terminals, are widely spread geographically has introduced new complexities and issues. These problems are not amenable to solution through the elementary safeguard of physical isolation.
  • There are several ways in which a computer system can be physically and operationally organized to serve its users. The security controls will depend on the configuration and the sensitivity of data processed in the system. The following discussion presents two ways of' viewing the physical and operational configurations.
    • Equipment Arrangement and Disposition 
    • User Capabilities 
    • File-query systems 
    • Interpretive systems 
    • Compiler systems 
    • Full programming systems 
  • Computer systems bring together a series of vulnerabilities. There are human vulnerabilities throughout; individual acts can accidentally or deliberately jeopardize the system's information protection capabilities. Hardware vulnerabilities are shared among the computer, the communication facilities, and the remote units and consoles. There are software vulnerabilities at all levels of the machine operating system and supporting software; and there are vulnerabilities in the organization of the protection system. The design of a secure system must provide protection against the various types of vulnerabilities. These fall into three major categories: accidental disclosures, deliberate penetrations, and physical attack.
  • The system designer must be aware of the points of vulnerability, which may be thought of as leakage points, and he must provide adequate mechanisms to counteract both accidental and deliberate events. The specific leakage points touched upon in the foregoing discussion can be classified in five groups: physical surroundings, hardware, software, communication links, and organizational.
  • The system should be flexible, responsive, auditable, reliable, manageable, adaptable, and dependable

Assume that a security model is needed for the protection of information in your class. Using the CNSS model, examine each of the cells and write a brief statement on how you would address the three components occupying that cell. 
  • Management of Information Security:
    • Proper Staff
    • Educating students on policies 
    • HIPPAA (CIA) laws 
    • Email Policies 
  • Network Security:
    • Ensure proper internal and external firewalls are set 
    • Web content blockers 
    • VPN Access 
    • Wireless Access Point 
    • Smart Phones 
  • Policy – The policy can be addressed for a classroom environment by ensuring all door are locked and access to room is granted by authorized personal. The next policy is to have all computers under usage time. As well, include parental control to block sites that are not to be accessed and to avoid potential threats. It is critical to maintain proper authorization to only students, teachers, and staff of the school.
  • Computer and data security – All users will have to use their assigned username and password. It is important to develop an internet usage to maintain data security. That way we are also able to track who was at fault if a data breach occurs.

3. Consider the information stored on your personal computer. For each of the terms listed, find an example and document it: threat, threat agent, vulnerability, exposure, risk, attack, and exploit. 
  • Threat – Theft of Media
  • Threat Agent – Hacker 
  • Vulnerability – Unprotected system port 
  • Exposure – Using a website monitored by malicious hackers, reveals a vulnerability 
    • Unprotected system port 
  • Risk – Low level risk 
    • The probability that theft of media will occur is low 
  • Attack – Hacker is made aware of system vulnerability (unprotected system port) by monitoring the website the hacker then navigates to and enters the exposed port; the hackers continues to steal media files from the user’s computer. This results in the user experiencing a loss. 
  • Exploit – Hacker uses software tools to gain access to the unprotected system port; gaining access to the user’s computer.
Using the Web, identify the chief information officer, chief information security officer, and systems administrator for your school. Which of these individuals represents the data owner? Data custodian? 
  • The CIO is Tom Janicki
  • The CISO is vacant at UWS. Robert Turner is the CISO at the UW-Madison 
  • System Administrator is Ross Eaton 

Using the Web, find out more about Kevin Mitnick. What did he do? Who caught him? Write a short summary of his activities and explain why he is infamous. 
  • He is an American computer security consultant, author and hacker, best known for his high profile 1995 arrest and later five years in prison for various computer and communications-related crimes. Kevin Mitnick was once one of the FBI's Most Wanted because he hacked into 40 major corporations just for the challenge, Kevin is now a trusted security consultant to the Fortune 500 and governments worldwide. Kevin mentors leaders, executives, and staff on both the theory and practice of social engineering. Kevin also helps consumers—from students to retirees— learn how to protect their information and themselves from harm. He is the CEO of Mitnick Security Consulting
  • Tsutomu Shimomura known for helping the FBI track and arrest hacker Kevin Mitnick. Shimomura was a founder of Neofocal Systems, and served as CEO and CTO until 2016 

Do you think this event was caused by an insider or outsider? Why do you think this?

  • I believe the event was caused by an outsider. The virus seems to inject on a host computer then send emails containing copies of the virus to email contacts, making the virus widespread. Since attachments need to be opened for the virus to infect a computer, it makes the most sense that it came from an outside source.
Other than installing virus and worm control software, what can SLS do to prepare for the next incident?
  • SLS can increase its user’s awareness of viruses and take preventative measures. Users should not open attachments from sources they aren’t sure of the sources. USB Thumb drives, CDs and other medication also contain viruses. By creating an awareness of sources of infection, risk can greatly be lowered.
Do you think this attack was the result of a virus or a worm? 
  • This attack was the result of “virus”. I think result of the attack may be virus because the stack identified is a security problem which can be caused by a virus but not by worm.

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