Role/Importance of Science and Technology in National Development

Science and technology have been central in the progress and development of virtually all the nations of the world. It has contributed immensely in all sector of the economy. Science and technology are intimately connected with development because; they have historical record of bringing advances that have led to healthier, longer, wealthier and more productive lives and they are key ingredients to solutions to the most serious poverty alleviation and economic development challenges that we currently face and are likely to face in the future. The many ways in which science and technology impact poverty alleviation across various sectors and economic growth merit attention.

The role that science and technology has played in improving the life conditions across the globe is vivid, but the benefit has to been harvested maximum by all countries.

Science and technology has made life a lot easier and also a lot better with the advancement of medicines and analysis on diseases. Apart from the medical side, there has been remarkable development in education, communication, agriculture, industry etc. the global economic output has increased 17 folds in the 20th century.

In spite of the advancements in almost all sectors, still the world is not free from hunger, disease, pollution, illiteracy and poverty. The gap between the rich and the poor has widened. By the 21st century, with the right applications of research, development, and implications of science and technology a major difference could be brought about.

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